Live Event Registration Software

Event registration software is an incredibly useful tool for effective live event management. Registration software offers a registration solution for both event organizers and attendees. The live event registration software you choose can make or break an event. Event software is helpful regardless of the nature of the event and your success goals.

Whether your brand is hosting a conference, corporate event, trade show, or convention, registration software is crucial for planning and executing with success. Event registration software will allow you to customize registration forms, gather guest and attendance data, streamline the check-in process, and so much more.

At In The Room, we are experienced with optimizing event registration with programs such as conference registration software. We understand what you need in a software program to make your event registration successful and increase guest satisfaction. Here, we’ll share all the ways that registration software for events can help you optimize for success.

How Should I Choose an Event Registration System?

With many different event and registration platforms out there, it can be hard to choose the event registration program that is right for your event.
Here are a few questions to consider:

  • What are the specific success goals for this event?
  • How can I make the registration process more efficient and painless for my guests?
  • How can I monetize every step along the way?

Answering those questions will help you determine the elements you should look for in an event registration program. Here are some important features to help you compare options.

Tailored Landing Pages

At In The Room, we believe in creating a memorable first impression for all live event attendees. One of the first impressions of your brand that potential registrants see is typically an event landing page. Event pages bring a guest in, and are seen long before attendees ever set foot inside in your venue. These pages should be as engaging as possible.

Some registration tools for events allow you to design a custom landing page to include things like your brand logo, colors, graphics, and messaging. Custom landing pages should also feature easy navigation and reliable links. The last thing you want is to attract potential guests through event marketing and then lose them because your landing page is broken, difficult to navigate, or unimpressive.

Event Software Landing Page

Customizable Registration Form Templates

First, the best live event registration software programs offer customizable registration form templates. Look for two important custom elements:

1. Registration Fields

Being able to customize individual fields on your registration form lets you tailor questions and required information to the specific event needs and goals. This way, you will have all the data needed for post-event analysis (and nothing unnecessary).

This last point is particularly significant. You don’t want to bore or scare away potential registrants by asking for too much information — instead, keep the questions simple and relevant. Keeping question fields relevant isn’t always possible with programs that don’t allow for customization, so make sure this is something on your event registration must-have list.

2. Design and Branding Details

One of the goals for event success may be to encourage as many guests as possible to return to the next event. To maximize returning attendees, it is helpful to ensure that your branding is at the forefront of people’s minds right from the start. Including branding elements such as your logo, graphics, messaging, colors, and font on registration materials helps to build brand recognition before the event even begins.

A User-Friendly Interface

Whether you are terrible with computers or could have been an IT specialist in another life, your event registration platform should be user-friendly for all guests and event organizers.
Be careful not to choose a program that could force staff to spend needless hours working out tech kinks when that time could be better spent optimizing the event. Instead, choose something that is intuitive and user-friendly to maximize time and revenue and minimize frustration.

User Friendly Interface

One-Click Upsells and Tiered Ticketing Options

One of our priorities at In The Room is to help you monetize every aspect of a live event. Offering one-click upsells and tiered ticketing options during the registration process is enormously beneficial for monetization.

To increase guest attendance, it is important to consider the option of offering some form of discounted tickets. Examples include group discounts, early bird sales, or returning attendee markdowns.

One-click upsells are another way to boost event revenue. Some attendees will be interested in a VIP option, but might need a little push to pull the trigger. Make your offer tempting and convenient with a simple click of a button. Easy one-click upsells mean your upsell rate will soar.

To take advantage of these benefits and more, choose live event registration software that offers a user-friendly tiered ticketing system.

A System for Organizing and Managing Registrants’ Information

Once your registrants have filled out a customized, branded registration form, you’ll receive their information, including everything from contact details, job title, geographic location, and ticket tier status. With all of this information, you’ll need a way to store and organize it.

The software you choose should have an easy-to-navigate system for organizing registration information. Should any issues arise, you’ll need to be able to quickly find and pull up specific registrant information.

System for Organizing and Managing Registrants’ Information

Email Marketing Integration

Leading up to the event, you should regularly contact registrants to remind them of timing, drum up excitement, and share details they need to know for checking in. The best way to do this is through email marketing.

The live event registration software platform you choose should offer email marketing integration, allowing you to sync registrant information with a user-friendly marketing platform.

An email marketing platform should also offer customizable templates so you are able to keep branding front and center. Performance tracking is also needed to tailor email marketing campaigns for better open rates, results, and increased repeat attendance for future events.

Social Media Integration

Along with email marketing integration, your registration software should offer social media integration. Most registrants will be on at least one social media platform, and it can be helpful to make social media updates on new and exciting additions to keep the event fresh in their minds.

You shouldn’t have to be a social media guru to effectively promote a live event. If you choose a registration platform for events with social media integration, you are sure to see registration rates increase.

Social Media Integration

Badge Customization and On-Demand Printing

There are dozens of reasons why choosing custom badge design and on-demand badge printing will help to level up your next event.

We’ve discussed why customizable landing pages are essential for increasing registration, the same principle applies to the impact of custom event badges on guest satisfaction. Badges are used and seen constantly throughout a live event – these badges should be carefully designed.

On-demand badge printing is a small process that will have a major impact on your next live event. Printing badges on demand will, among other things, save you time and staff labor and prevent guests from experiencing frustratingly long lines at check-in. Not all live event registration software programs offer on-demand badge printing, so make sure that’s at the top of your must-have list.

Accommodations for On-Site and Last-Minute Registrations

Just as there will be registrants who don’t show up in the end, you’ll almost certainly have guests who haven’t pre-registered before arrival. Turning these attendees away because your registration system doesn’t support last-minute or on-site registrations would be a terrible and money losing idea.

Instead, with In The Room’s event registration management software, you can accommodate these late registrants. Event registration kiosks at check-in add another level of event management efficiency. When you can offer onsite event registration services, you’ll increase both event revenue and guest satisfaction.

Accommodations for On-Site Registrations

Services for Post-Event Feedback

If you’re not already asking for post-event feedback, you’re missing out on an incredibly important area of data gathering.

Guests could leave an event feeling like their time was well-spent and that every session you offered was valuable to them. Or . . . they could leave thinking your event was a complete waste of time and money. If you don’t send out post-event surveys, you’ll never know how people felt or how to improve.

However, some live event registration software offers a simple way for you to send out post-event surveys and gather helpful feedback. This will put you on your way to making each live event better than the last.

One-on-One Consultations

When selecting the right company to provide live event registration software, the chance for one-on-one consultations with an expert could sway your decision. The pre-event consultation sessions with In The Room are focused on optimizing and monetizing the overall event.

Depending on the field you’re in, each live event will be unique — even events held by the same organizer will be vastly different. A conference registration software company that offers expert consultation provides tailored feedback and advice that the other programs can’t provide.

One-on-One Consultations

An All-Inclusive, Streamlined Program

Since each of these program features are so important, you’ll need a live event registration software program that can offer everything in one inclusive, user-friendly interface. Whether you’re building out registration forms, integrating email and social media marketing, or collecting post-event feedback, your software should help streamline the process for you. A registration tool for events from In The Room is the perfect solution.

Why You Can Trust In The Room for Your Live Event Registration Software

At In The Room, we have a deep understanding of what’s required for the most efficient event registration solutions. Let us help you create a massively successful event. Our knowledge when it comes to optimizing registration is part of what drove us to create these software programs in the first place.

In The Room started when we recognized a gap in live event hosting that needed to be filled. No one had the technology to do it right. So, we built the software ourselves, and we included everything an event organizer needed for smooth registration and a positive experience.

Our live event registration software is the most innovative, intuitive, and well-optimized program on the market. We know that we have accomplished something big. The level of technology our programs utilize and the streamlined efficiency is exactly what we’ve strived to provide for all event organizers.

We not only understand what you want from corporate event registration software, but we will use our expertise to help you find all of the best monetization opportunities. Let’s make your event more successful and profitable than you previously thought possible.