Keep Informed: The Benefits of QR Codes on Live Event Badges

When your live event attendees first check in, that’s the time to wow them and give a memorable first impression. Event managers can accomplish this in several ways, including choosing the perfect venue and displaying clear signage for guests and VIPs.

However, one of the simplest and most effective ways to impress attendees is by effectively utilizing event badges. A live event badge should be well-designed, showcase customized branding, display the guest’s name and company information, and use QR codes and other technology to make the event experience run smoothly for attendees and event organizers.

The Importance of Event Badges

Attendees to live events typically receive a badge upon check-in with identification information, including their name, job title, company (if applicable), and, at times, an identifying photograph. Event organizers can customize the look of badges using event registration software.

Not only are they a fun, post-event souvenir, but live event badges are helpful to organizers, event staff, and guests. Requiring all guests to wear a badge helps to ensure enhanced security at the event. Badges also help sponsors and organizers gather necessary information from attendees.

One benefit of badges for live event guests is the ease of networking. Guests are able to know who else is taking part in the event quickly and to catch the names and pertinent information of who they are speaking with. When a QR code is used, quick, contactless check-in to the main event and each talk or activity is possible. QR codes are also great for instant information sharing.

On-Demand Badge Printing

No event guest wants to finish checking in, only to be met with a long line of people waiting for an employee to sort through a massive pile of pre-printed badges. This experience creates a check-in bottleneck and can cause frustration, giving a negative first impression. First impressions are crucial and will carry through.

Work with a management software company that does onsite badge printing for events to prevent this frustration. On-demand badge printing allows guests to finish the entire check-in process in seconds. Attendees can move straight on to the next part of the event, and there won’t be any mix-ups with receiving the wrong badge or one where your name is misspelled.

On-demand printing also cuts down on preparation time for event organizers. You won’t have to spend several hours printing and sorting badges beforehand. Event software from companies, including In The Room, also updates in real-time across all platforms. So, any changes made to the guest’s registration information will be recorded instantly.

Custom QR Codes

Event registration software that allows customization to live event badges should also allow the creation of custom QR codes. QR codes are similar to barcodes, and when included in the design of an event badge, they allow for quick scanning using a phone, tablet, or computer.

QR codes at a live event can be used to trigger different actions. Here are a few reasons why custom QR codes on live event badges are such a good idea:

1. Lightning Quick Check-In

The most basic function of a badge QR code is for check-in. Each custom badge will have its own QR code, which can be scanned to verify a guest’s attendance and grant access. QR codes make the process of checking into an event, lecture, or activity instantaneous. This step improves the guest experience and cuts down on crowds at registration.

2. Instant Data Gathering

The information included in a custom QR code can be read and collected when scanned, providing contact details and other important information to event organizers and other attendees. Data collection is crucial to event organizers. QR codes allow organizers and event sponsors to keep track of who checked into what activities, booths, talks, and events at what times. This tracking lets organizers know what talks are popular, what events lack guests, and how to adjust logistics. Awareness of individual guest interests can also help organizers promote future events.

RFID Badges

Another option to consider when choosing which event attendee management system to work with is the use of RFID badges. RFID stands for radio frequency identification and uses radio waves to keep track of an object. With RFID badges for events, you can easily watch attendee actions in real-time to improve your event, ensure it runs smoothly, and gather information for your next event. RFID event management software helps hosts keep track of who’s in the room.

Using custom event badges with QR codes, and RFID can level up the efficiency of your event from start to finish. Live event badges should not only look good and make excellent take-home keepsakes but should also improve the guest experience. Pair your next live event with the best badge technology for a memorable and impressive impact.

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